What is CII?

CII Calculator

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Frequently asked questions about CII

When will CII rating enter in force ?

CII as well as EEXI will enter into force on the 1 January 2023 as the new IMO regulations for monitoring emissions of Green House Gas (GHG) and to decarbonise shipping industry.

What is the diffrence between CII and EEXI ?

The EEXI is a framework for determining the energy efficiency of vessels over 400 GT that fall under MARPOL Annex VI. The EEXI calculation is based on the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI).

Verification of the ship’s EEXI takes place at the vessel’s first annual, intermediate or renewal survey for its International Energy Efficiency Certificate (IEEC)

Do I need approved calculators ?

Approved calculators are not necessary but the annual CII achieved must be verified. The operational carbon intensity rating will be recorded in a “Statement of Compliance” to be further elaborated in the ship’s Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP).

Why is it important to comply with this International Maritime Organization regulation ?

To become and to stay compliant with this new indicator is important to :

  • avoid fines and insure access to international harbors to your ship
  • contribute to shipping greenhouse emissions reduction and maritime decarbonation
  • improve your fleet overall efficiency and optimize your costs by identifying opportunities
How can I reduced my CII and keep my fleet compliant ?

Multiple optimization and improvement are available to minimize your ship’s CII.

At Opsealog, we can provide a roadmap and use cases by leveraging the data gathered for operational use cases as :

  • fuel consumption monitoring
  • improved operational profile
  • environmental impact reduction
  • better overall efficiency of your fleet.

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